Tick Cross 2 Players

Play our free Tick Cross 2 Players tic tac toe game for a funny and unforgettable experience. Come back each and every day for a free new tic tac toe game.

Tick Cross 2 Players is a tic tac toe game that you can play on Capy.com, and it's almost exactly like the game it takes its inspiration from, but instead of placing an X or a 0 like you would expect, the players have to fill the board with ticks and crosses. But this is where the differences end, because other than this small change, Tick Cross 2 Players is as close to the classical experience as you can get. And, just like the real game, you can only play it against a friend! So no seeing if you can beat an AI opponent here.

The graphics in Tick Cross 2 Players are simple, but what can someone expect from a game that is usually played on a simple piece of paper? The visual design is great for this type of game, and all you need to know about the rules is that a player has to fill the board with either a tick or a cross, and place these items in such a way that three of them make a straight line. Either a line that is placed at a 90-degree angle, or a diagonal line that splits the board in half. And, of course, you have to do this before the other player manages to accomplish this task. Expect lots of draws, but because of how fast a round goes by, there is no downtime and sometimes you don't even tell that a round has already started. There is no warmup period in Tick Cross 2 Players. Once you start to play, things go by really fast.

Play a classic game of tic tac toe on Capy.com, but with interesting new visual elements.

How to play

You can play Tick Cross 2 Players either by using a PC or a mobile device. The principles stay the same: if playing from a PC you use the left mouse button to interact with the game, and if you are on a mobile device you have to tap the screen.

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How to play?

  • Use your left mouse button.

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This game can be played both on PC and mobile devices